Is it Illegal to Conceal Carry Without a Good Holster?
Is it Illegal to Conceal Carry Without a Good Holster?

Is it Illegal to Conceal Carry Without a Good Holster?

Oct 27th 2020

Concealed Carry Holster

You’ve probably heard it countless times; if you’re going to carry a concealed handgun, you need a holster.

However, for one reason or another, you may have wondered whether you can get away without using one. Maybe you’ve been in situations where carrying a proper holster was not an option, and anything else would have been open carrying. The first question on many gun owner’s minds should be: “Is that legal?”

Let’s discuss the legality of carrying a handgun without a holster, talk about the most common methods and associated dangers, and find out whether it’s a good idea.

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The Legality of Carrying Without a Holster

When it comes to guns and whether you can carry a concealed weapon, it is generally a good idea to make sure that what you intend to do is legal.

As there is no federal law that determines the legality of carrying concealed in every jurisdiction, it falls on state governments and local municipalities to enact legislation, should they choose to do so, concerning concealed carry and  owb holsters.

Concealed carrying without a holster under  state and local law is not legal in every jurisdiction, even in areas where concealed carrying is otherwise legal; in some areas, this is called a “holster mandate.”

It doesn’t matter what exact type of holster you use or what carrying style you choose ( IWB, OWB, appendix carry, pocket carry, etc.), just that the holster is either on a shoulder rig or designed to fit on a belt.

If you aren’t sure or need more information about your local laws, seek a professional’s advice such as an attorney, preferably one specializing in gun laws and gun rights.

Methods of Carrying Without a Holster

Carrying Without a Holster

There are three main methods of carrying a handgun without a holster: tucking into the belt or the waistband, pocket carrying, and off-body carrying.

Tucking is the practice of using the belt or the waistband directly to retain the handgun. It is a straightforward but very unsafe method. Not only does it not provide secure retention (the gun has a high chance of falling off), there is nothing to protect the trigger guard, which can snag and lead to a negligent discharge, with potentially lethal consequences.

Pocket carrying is another simple carrying method. It is possible to pocket carry safely; there are holsters designed explicitly for pocket carrying. However, not using a holster puts your firearm at risk of snagging with anything else you may be carrying in the same pocket, increasing the chance of a negligent discharge. Just like with tucking, objects can and do fall out of pockets accidentally, and that can include your pistol.

An additional concern is printing; a pistol’s distinctive outline can print through the fabric of your pocket, and other people may realize you are armed, therefore defeating the point of carrying concealed.

The last, and perhaps the most common holster-less method of carrying, is what is generally termed “off-body carrying.” This is defined as the practice of carrying your firearm inside a bag, a purse, or some other external container. Although a popular option, particularly with women, carrying off-body has risks, the most obvious of which is theft. If your bag or purse is stolen, your gun is also gone.

Another risk is that if you aren’t using a carry bag or purse designed for concealed carrying, it will not secure your firearm suitably.

Having no certainty on your gun’s orientation isn’t just going to make drawing it more difficult; it is a safety hazard. A negligent discharge with a muzzle pointed in a random direction can have disastrous consequences.

If you must carry off-body, use a purse specifically designed for concealed carrying. They have pockets and compartments with integrated, secure holsters, letting you know at all times where your gun is and in which direction it is pointing.

Parting Thoughts

Incognito Concealment offers a wide  range of Kydex gun holsters and magazine carriers for all types of handguns. Whether you prefer OWB, paddle, or IWB holsters, we have the products for you.

All our products are hand-crafted in the USA with a lifetime warranty. We also offer a 10% discount for our law enforcement, military, and first responder customers.

If you have any questions or requests, do not hesitate to give us a call at  (586) 333-4240.

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