Kydex Holsters: The Facts & Myths
Kydex Holsters: The Facts & Myths

Kydex Holsters: The Facts & Myths

Mar 7th 2021

Kydex Holsters

For a long time, if you needed a holster for your handgun, the only practical choice was leather. Today, leather is no longer the only choice you have if you need a gun holster.

Since the 1970s, Kydex has become the more affordable and durable option, becoming the best alternative to leather holsters available on the market, if not the best choice for carrying a gun in general.

Yet, many misconceptions and myths still endure about Kydex and holsters using this material.

Myth #1: Kydex Holsters Damage the Finish

One of the most widespread issues encountered by Kydex holster owners is the scratching or marring of their handguns’ finish. Many shooters erroneously concluded that the Kydex material itself is responsible for the finish damage.

At first, the myth appears to make sense. Leather is soft, whereas Kydex is hard. Therefore, scratching could never happen with a leather holster. However, that theory falls apart when you realize that leather holsters can also induce scratch and rub marks.

The simple truth is it doesn’t matter what material your holster uses. The more you draw and re-holster, such as when practicing quick-draws using timed targets, the more likely you are to cause some form of wear and tear to your handgun.

However, you can take some preventative measures to minimize scratching and rub marks. The first step is to make sure you have a high-quality holster designed explicitly for the handgun model you use.

Kydex holsters achieve a high degree of retention because they are molded to a specific firearm. In turn, it means your handgun must fit tightly and securely: neither too loose nor too tight.

Even if your holster is compatible with your model, poorly-made Kydex holsters may not achieve adequate retention, providing an inadequate fit. A quality holster should achieve retention at the trigger guard, not around the slide.

Myth #2: Kydex Holsters Are Maintenance-Free

Kydex Holster

In reality, this myth is a half-truth. It’s true that compared to a leather holster, Kydex requires significantly less maintenance than leather, especially for concealed carrying.

For example, a leather IWB or pocket holster requires leather-specific soaps and conditioners (e.g., saddle soap) and should be wiped and cleaned regularly.

Generally speaking, leather should not be exposed to water, sweat, or dust for extended lengths of time, as it will result in accelerated wear, potentially cracking or tearing the material.

In contrast, a  Kydex IWB holster cannot be damaged by sweat or humidity and can be carried all day long inside the waistband without damage.

However, if you do not clean your Kydex holster regularly, dust, grime, and other foreign objects will pollute the inside of the holster’s shell.

These foreign elements lodge themselves between the Kydex sheets and your handgun, potentially scratching your gun’s finish - even in a high-quality, perfectly-fitting holster.

Fortunately, cleaning a Kydex holster is an easy and straightforward process. All you need to remove dirt and grime is soap and water. Then, wipe it down with a dry chamois or microfiber cloth. If your holster is very dirty, you can use regular detergents instead of soap.

Myth #3: All Kydex Holsters Are The Same

If you’re familiar with leather products, you know there are different leather grades; top-grain, full-grain, bonded, or suede.

It’s a little-known fact, but Kydex also has different grades. Not all Kydex materials are the same. Many gun owners use Kydex as a synonym for all plastic holsters, but it is an incorrect use of the term.

The Sekisui Kydex company manufactures  over 40 different thermoplastic sheet products, all of which may be truthfully called Kydex sheets. Yet, not all of them are suitable for use as a holster material.

Pay attention to the exact type of thermoplastic material used in your holster’s construction.

One of the best materials for  Kydex holsters is Kydex 100. This specific Kydex grade possesses all the desirable traits required for a high-quality holster. Kydex 100 is easy to work with, yet very rigid, with high resistance to impacts and abrasion.

Other companies manufacture similar thermoplastic products, which may also be employed to manufacture gun holsters and knife sheaths. Research these companies’ products and make sure they possess similar traits and qualities.

The Take-home Message

Discerning the facts from Kydex holsters’ myths allows you to care for your holsters and your handguns more effectively.

Remember, the most persistent myths are those that sound like they make the most sense. Always research a claim before making a decision.

At Incognito Concealment, our priority is to help you exercise your Second Amendment rights with the highest-quality Kydex holsters on the market. We offer a wide selection of IWB, OWB, and  paddle holsters for the most popular handguns, all 100% hand-crafted in America by qualified and talented personnel.

Don’t hesitate to contact us at  (586) 999-5820 if you have any questions or requests about our products.

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